Hospices, home care organizations, private providers, etc; immunity from liability.
Bill Summary:
Hospices, home care organizations, private providers,
assisted living facilities, and adult day care centers; immunity
from liability. Repeals the provision that a licensed hospice,
home care organization, private provider, assisted living facility,
or adult day care center that delivers care to or withholds care from
a patient, resident, or person receiving services who is diagnosed
as being or is believed to be infected with the COVID-19 virus shall
not be liable for any injury or wrongful death of such patient, resident,
or person receiving services arising from the delivery or withholding
of care when the emergency and subsequent conditions caused by the
emergency result in a lack of resources, attributable to the disaster,
that render such hospice, home care organization, private provider,
assisted living facility, or adult day care center unable to provide
the level or manner of care that otherwise would have been required
in the absence of the emergency and that resulted in the injury or
wrongful death at issue.
Bill Patron: Clark
Last Action(s):
(House) Stricken from docket by Courts of Justice (18-Y 0-N) January 28, 2022
Bill Status: