
School boards; parental notification of certain incidents, Alyssa's law-silent panic alarms.

Bill Summary:

School boards; parental notification of certain
threats, behavior, and unlawful acts; panic alarms.
within four hours of receiving notification of (i) a preliminary
determination by the threat assessment team that a student poses
a threat of violence or physical harm to self or others; (ii) threatening
or aberrant behavior that may represent a threat to the school; or
(iii) unlawful acts committed on school property, on a school bus,
or at a school-sponsored activity that involve the unlawful use or
possession of a weapon, homicide, criminal sexual assault, or trespassing,
each division superintendent to notify the parent of each student
enrolled in the relevant school of such threat, threatening or aberrant
behavior, or unlawful act. The bill requires each school board to
equip each public elementary and secondary school building in the
local school division with at least one panic alarm that adheres
to nationally recognized industry standards, including the standards
of the National Fire Protection Association and Underwriters Laboratories,
and is installed by a licensed and qualified professional. The bill
defines "panic alarm" as a silent security system by which the user
manually activates a device that sends a non-audible signal to the
local law-enforcement agency that indicates a school security emergency,
including a non-fire evacuation, lockdown, or active shooter situation,
that requires immediate response and assistance from such agency.

Bill Patron: Anderson

Last Action(s):
(House) Continued to 2023 in Education (22-Y 0-N) February 7, 2022

Bill Status:

Carried Over