
Early Identification System (EIS); DCJS to establish.

Bill Summary:

Conduct of law-enforcement officers; establishment
of an Early Identification System.
Requires the Department of
Criminal Justice Services (the Department) to establish a best practices
model for the implementation, training, and management of an Early
Identification System (EIS). The bill defines an EIS as a system
through which a law-enforcement agency collects and manages data
to identify and assess patterns of behavior, including misconduct
and high-risk behavior, or performance of law-enforcement officers
and law-enforcement agency employees. The bill directs each sheriff
or chief of police to implement an EIS by July 1, 2024, and requires
that law-enforcement officers receive training prior to implementation
of the EIS and annually thereafter. The bill also directs the Department
to establish and administer written policies and procedures for law-enforcement
agencies to report to the Office of the Attorney General all judgments
or settlements in cases relating to negligence or misconduct of a
law-enforcement officer.

Bill Patron: Bourne

Last Action(s):
(House) Tabled in Public Safety (11-Y 10-N) February 11, 2022

Bill Status: