
Human rights and fair housing; religious organizations, promotion of religious principles.

Bill Summary:

Human rights; religious organizations; promotion of religious principles. Provides that nothing in the Virginia Human Rights Act prohibits a religious corporation, association, or society, or any nonprofit institution or organization operated, supervised, or controlled by or in conjunction with a religious organization, association, or society, from taking any action to promote the religious principles for which it is established or maintained. The bill adds preschools to the list of educational institutions that are exempt from discriminatory hiring practices with respect to the hiring and employment of employees of a particular religion when such institutions are owned, supported, controlled, or managed by a particular religion or religious corporation, association, or society. The bill clarifies that the term "religion" includes all aspects of religious observance and practice as well as belief for the purposes of the exemption from discrimination in employment of individuals employed to perform work associated with the activities of a particular religion by a religious corporation, association, educational institution, or society.

Bill Patron: Adams, L.R.

Last Action(s):
(House) VOTE: Passage (54-Y 45-N) February 15, 2022
(Senate) Passed by indefinitely in General Laws and Technology (8-Y 7-N) February 23, 2022

Bill Status:
Passed House