
Project labor agreements; prevailing wage, collective bargaining for employees of local governments.

Bill Summary:

Project labor agreements; prevailing wage; collective bargaining for employees of local governments. Provides that state agencies, when engaged in procuring products or services or letting contracts for construction, manufacture, maintenance, or operation of public works, paid for in whole or in part by state funds, shall neither require nor prohibit bidders to enter into or adhere to agreements with one or more labor organizations on the public works projects. The bill removes requirements for the payment of prevailing wage for work performed on public works contracts for state agencies. In addition, the bill removes the authority for a locality, by a local ordinance or resolution, to recognize any labor union or other employee association as a bargaining agent of any public officers or employees or to collectively bargain or enter into any collective bargaining contract with any such union or association or its agents.

Bill Patron: Byron

Last Action(s):
(House) VOTE: Passage (52-Y 47-N) February 15, 2022
(Senate) Passed by indefinitely in Commerce and Labor (12-Y 3-N) February 21, 2022

Bill Status:
Passed House