
Public elementary & secondary education; school boards & employees to promote diversity and respect.

Bill Summary:

Public elementary and secondary education; school
boards and employees; promotion of diversity and respect.
each local school board and employee thereof to promote (i) diversity
and respect, with the understanding that all individuals are created
equal and diversity is a strength of the United States, and (ii)
the concept that all cultures have contributed greatly to the rich
history of the United States and the way of life that Americans enjoy
today. The bill prohibits any local school board or employee thereof
from training, teaching, or promoting to enrolled students or school
board employees the concept that (a) any race is inherently superior
or inferior to any other race; (b) any individual, by virtue of his
race or skin color, is inherently racist, privileged, or oppressive,
whether consciously or unconsciously; (c) any individual, by virtue
of his race or religion, bears responsibility for the actions committed
by other members of his race or religion; (d) any individual's moral
character is determined by his race; (e) the United States is a fundamentally
or systemically racist country; or (f) capitalism is an inherently
racist economic system.

Bill Patron: McGuire

Last Action(s):
(House) Left in Education February 15, 2022

Bill Status: