Workers' compensation; presumption as to death or disability from COVID-19, vaccine.
Bill Summary:
Workers' compensation; presumption as to death
or disability from COVID-19; vaccine. Provides that the presumption
that COVID-19 causing the death or disability of certain employees
is an occupational disease compensable under the Virginia Workers'
Compensation Act does not apply to an individual who fails or refuses
to receive a vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19 either approved
by or with an Emergency Use Authorization issued by the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration, unless the person is immunized or the person's
physician determines in writing that the immunization would pose
a significant risk to the person's health.
Bill Patron: Saslaw
Last Action(s):
(House) Left in Commerce and Energy March 8, 2022
(Senate) Read third time and passed Senate (22-Y 17-N) January 28, 2022
Bill Status:
Passed Senate