
Uniform Statewide Building Code; lead-safe rental housing.

Bill Summary:

Uniform Statewide Building Code; lead-safe
rental housing.
Provides that the local governing body of a locality
may adopt an ordinance that requires the inspection and certification
of a residential rental dwelling unit built prior to 1986 for the
purpose of ensuring the absence of lead hazards in such dwelling
unit. The bill requires any such inspection and certification to
be completed by a person licensed and qualified pursuant to appropriate
state and federal laws and regulations and prohibits the rental of
any residential dwelling unit that does not receive a satisfactory
post-inspection certification based on certain factors outlined in
the bill. Pursuant to the provisions of the bill, any locality that
adopts an ordinance shall establish a fund to pay for the cost of
remediation or require the landlord to pay for remedying the lead
hazard. Finally, the bill allows a locality to waive inspection requirements
for certain reasons and permits the local governing body of a locality
to adopt additional lead-safe and lead-free inspection and certification
requirements or higher standards for inspection and certification,
if it so chooses.

Bill Patron: Morrissey

Last Action(s):
(Senate) Continued to 2023 in General Laws and Technology (12-Y 0-N) February 9, 2022

Bill Status:

Carried Over