
Emergency custody and temporary detention; hospitals and providers of behavioral health services.

Bill Summary:

Emergency custody and temporary detention; hospitals and providers of behavioral health services; acceptance of custody. Requires every hospital with an emergency department to employ sufficient security staff to be able to accept custody of a person who is subject to emergency custody or temporary detention and who is transported to such hospital by a law-enforcement officer or receiving services at such hospital and requires every provider of behavioral health services licensed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services to a person who is subject to emergency custody and may be transported for the required evaluation to (i) be licensed to provide the level of security necessary to protect both the person and others from harm, and actually capable of providing the level of security necessary to protect the person and others from harm, and (ii) accept custody of every person transported to such provider for evaluation by law enforcement. This bill was incorporated into SB 268.

Bill Patron: Hanger

Last Action(s):
(Senate) Incorporated by Finance and Appropriations (SB268-Favola) (16-Y 0-N) February 8, 2022

Bill Status: